Embassy in Athens

All practical information on our Embassy in Athens.

Contact our Embassy in Athens

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Athens.
  1. Last updated on

Contact details

Odos Sékéri, 3 
10671 Athens

T: +30 210 338 85 40 
F: +30 210 360 42 89

Emergency number outside openings hours for Belgian citizens only: +30 6945235055


The EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE is reserved only for Belgians in the event of an extreme humanitarian emergency or disaster outside office hours.

In the event of theft or loss of documents, please do not phone between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Access map

Opening hours

From Monday to Friday: from 9.00am till 12.00am (by appointment only)

Make an appointment


Closing days in 2024

Monday 1 January - New year
Monday 18 March - Ash Monday (GR)
Monday 25 March
- National Day (GR)
Monday 1 April
Easter Monday (BE)
Wednesday 1 May - Labor day

Friday 3 May - Good Friday (GR)
Monday 6 May
- Easter Monday (GR)
Monday 24 June - Pentecoast Monday (GR)

Thursday 15 August - Assumption (BE)
Monday 28 October - Ochi Day (GR)
Friday 1 November
- All Saints’ Day (BE)
Monday 11 November
- Armistice (BE)
Wednesday 25 December - Christmas

Thursday 26 December - 2nd Day of Christmas (GR)